Fourteen small businesses on Kangaroo Island have completed their Harvard One-Page Business Plan under expert guidance at lightning sessions last week.
Dr Mark Potter of Meeting Place MV presented the sessions for the KI Business and Brand Alliance and with support from ATEC. The 16 people who attended, representing 14 businesses, walked away with new enthusiasm, new network opportunities and a plan to help them build their business.
Participants included well-established businesses, new businesses and those for whom a new business is still in formation.
They were encouraged to think about their business from several perspectives – the customer, growth, marketing, internal processes and financial aspects. The process included working through questions and work sheets.
The workshops were hosted by the Kangaroo Island Business and Brand Alliance (KIBBA) with funding support from ATEC.
Tina Kleeven of Kangaroo Island Fresh Seafoods said the session had re-focused her on areas where she knew she had to do some work – mainly around technology and customer service.
Michelle Haby of Botanical Enigmerase said the workshop provided a good opportunity to stop and think about what she was doing in her business.
“It highlighted for me the need to become more proactive in my business and not so reactive. It’s not going to be easy to dedicate time to implementing my plan but I think it’s important to make that time.”
Greg Baldwin of Kangaroo Island Test and Tag said the event was more fun then he thought it would be.
“I’d definitely go to another one. It was a great introduction to business planning, the networking opportunity was excellent and it reinforced for me the importance of good marketing when you are starting out in business.”
Dr Potter will follow up with the businesses in a few weeks to see how they are progressing with their plan.