Kangaroo Island Business and Brand Alliance (KIBBA) has welcomed the news of the long-term contract for ferry services to Sealink and the new benefits for residents and businesses on the Island.

The cheaper fares for residents on passenger and car costs, to start in March, will provide an almost immediate benefit, with substantially discounted freight costs to be in place at the start of the new contract in 2024.
KIBBA and its predecessor Business Kangaroo Island had
campaigned for m
any years for a more secure, more affordable and reliable service for both passengers and especially for freight.
Under the new contract signed with the State Government, the minimum number of services each day will also increase from five to seven in March.
“Just in the past year, KIBBA has written twice to the Minister and participated in one-on-one consultation with all three of the tender companies on behalf of its 210 members,” KIBBA chair Brett Miller said.
“Last week we launched our State Election 22 paper, and its first point is about secure, reliable and affordable sea access. Every business on Kangaroo Island depends on that service to bring inputs and to export its products. It doesn’t matter if you are a farmer, a tyre repair service or a cafe, the sea access to the mainland for your freight is critical.
“I’m very pleased we can put a tick next to our number one State Election 22 request and that Sealink will continue to be an integral part of the Island and its business.”
Sealink also announced a “dynamic pricing system” for non-residents coming to the Island. “We have yet to see the details of this. It will be similar to the way airlines work so we will keep a watching brief on how this pricing system might affect tourism, as well as visiting family and friends,” Mr Miller said.